Altera Max+Plus II V10.1 完整正式版
Altera Max+Plus II V10.1 正式版 For Win98/NT/2K << Altera 公司‧專業數位積體電路設計軟體最新版!>>
■ 安裝方式:(見下文說明)
Altera PC版全功能版軟體提供完整的設計流程,支援Altera全系列CPLD/FPGA元
件(包括 FLEX 8000、FLEX 10K、MAX 7000與MAX 9000各系列),其軟體的主要功
Design Entries: 提供電路圖、AHDL、VHDL及EDIF設計輸入方式
Design Compilation: 具備timing-driven compilation、multi-chip partition
Floorplan Editor: 觀看CPLD/FPGA佈局與繞線結果,並可進行人工佈局
Design Verification: 提供waveform editor可用來編輯波形圖,進行functional
或 timing simulation,並提供timing analyzer進行static
timing analysis
Device Programming:使用Altera的燒錄硬體進行CPLD/FPGA元件燒錄
Full On-Line Help:完整而詳細的線上說明可讓您快速熟悉軟體與操作
The MAX+PLUS II BASELINE software is a complete software package for
designers looking to target low to mid-density look-up table PLDs.
This latest version adds design and configuration support for the new
ACEX 1K device family. The MAX+PLUS II BASELINE software includes AHDL
synthesis, schematic design entry, full featured timing analysis, and
simulation capabilities.
Customers can now download and license Altera specific versions of
Mentor Graphics LeonardoSpectrum or Synopsys FPGA Express synthesis
software. MAX+PLUS II BASELINE, in conjunction with these world class
synthesis tools, provides a complete solution for customers targeting
low to mid-density look-up table PLDs.
■ 安裝方式:
1) Install, put license.dat in app dir, start the app,
2) Go to options-->license setup and browse to the license.dat