Groove3 Reaper Explained TUTORiAL DVDR 英文正式版(教學)(DVD一片裝)
Groove3 Reaper Explained TUTORiAL DVDR 英文正式版(教學)(DVD一片裝)
Reaper is fast becoming a truly powerful and efficient DAW, are you up to speed
on it? The amazing Kenny Gioia breaks it all down for you in this awesome,
in-depth series of video tutorials focusing on Cockos Reaper.
You'll learn about project creation, templates, routing, editing, using plug-ins,
automation, rendering and exporting, MIDI, markers and regions and so much more.
After viewing this collection, you'll be able to work and navigate Reaper like a
seasoned pro. More and more people are switching to Reaper everyday, don't get
left behind, and don't fear the Reaper!
Product Hightlights
26 Tutorials / Over 4 Hours Total Runtime
For all beginner to intermediate Cockos Reaper users
Tutorials written by multi-platinum selling producer Kenny Gioia
Simple to use video control interface for Mac & PC